"Put Your Phone Down, Be in the Moment #1" 3x4 Original

"Put Your Phone Down, Be in the Moment #1" 3x4 Original


I heard a mother whisper to her child, “Put your phone down, be in the moment.” Such good advice. Life is full of tiny beautiful moments. I don’t want to miss them!

The Details

3”x4”x0.75” original acrylic
Painted image wraps all sides
Gallery-style edges
Unframed, ready to hang
Item arrives custom gift wrapped

Shipping Information

Original paintings are carefully prepared for shipping. My shipping process includes: 1) Covering the art surface with glassine paper, 2) Covering front and back of art with a layer of cardboard, 3) Wrapping a thick layer of bubble wrap, and then 4) Inserting the wrapped art into a heavy-weight cardboard box. Large originals will ship via UPS Ground. If you would like to purchase my work and are OUTSIDE THE U.S.—please contact me directly and I can provide a shipping estimate and then an invoice.

Images may not be reproduced or used in any form without written consent.

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©Amy-Grimes_Story-Paintings_Every-Star_Red_SS.png ©Amy-Grimes_Story-Paintings_Every-Star_Red_Angle_SS.jpg
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"Every Star (Red)" 5x7 Original

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"Second Breakfast (Yellow)" 8x8 Original

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"Shepherds of the Forest #1" 4x5 Original

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"Second Breakfast (Blue)" 8x8 Original

©Amy-Grimes_The-Forest-of-Lellichor.png ©Amy-Grimes_The-Forest-of-Lellichor_detail-2_ss.jpg
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"Deep in the Forest of Lellichor" 20x20 Master Work
