A Change in Course

When I was little I said odd things out-loud because I didn’t know they were odd. How was I supposed to know other kids didn’t think they would grow up to be rabbits? 😄 Those kids’ reactions taught me to whittle my words down carefully, to be slow to trust, and to stay distant until I deemed someone safe. I carried those habits into adulthood and it’s served me well. Probably saved me from lots of pain.

I’ve never particularly enjoyed people who don’t seem to enjoy me. I’m pretty sure that’s a common way to feel. But some time ago I decided to shake up the storyline of my life by trying to enjoy some of those very people—the ones who might give me funny looks. Because, since God enjoys me, surely that provides a secure enough place from which to courageously love others. So, I’ve been doing that (when I remember to) and it’s been a beautiful experiment.

I’ve come up with a method for enjoying all sorts of people. When I find myself in a situation where I’m likely to feel misunderstood, or to seem odd, I choose to look for three things. Look for what’s lovely. Look for what’s funny. Look for what’s interesting. 

And you know what? It’s made a big difference in my life! I feel a warmth toward people who I might have felt distant from otherwise. 

I’ve heard it said that little changes in course can make a big difference in where you land. It just makes sense. For as long as we’re on the earth, we’re all making small adjustments, aren’t we? 

Blessings to you this week as you make your small adjustments. It’s never too late. God works in layers. Lots and lots of layers!


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