Behind the Story: Fishing For Stars
Once I read a story that took place on the edge of Fairy Land. I’ve always loved the idea of a place that is more than the world we know—where earthly rules no longer apply. I’ve never found a spot like that, but there are times when it seems like more beauty shines through the world around me than usual.
In college I used to meet once a week to pray with a friend. I’ll never forget how, after those prayers, it seemed like the colors in the room were brighter than they’d been before—almost like some of the colors from Heaven had made their way down to earth. I don’t think they really were brighter, but I know I somehow experienced them more fully after praying. I think that’s a little bit like being on the edge of Fairy Land. This painting is of a place that’s more than just earth, where you can fish for stars or moons or planets. Doesn’t that sound nice?
- Amy