Behind the Story: Listen to the Stories

Featured in my book “And The Light Comes In”

Featured in my book “And The Light Comes In”

I know that stories don’t impact everyone in the same way. Some people see them as entertainment and some really aren’t interested in them unless they’re factual, like a history or a biography. For me, they are a “heart language”. I’ve learned more through imaginative stories than through any class I’ve ever attended. Stories have truly changed my life and they keep changing it. Not long ago, I was doing a writing exercise where I was supposed to list the people who have had the biggest impact on my life. Some of the people I listed were Beatrix Potter, C.S. Lewis, Madeline L’Engle, George MacDonald, and Jane Austen. This painting is about the value of good story telling. It’s about the power of that “heart language” and the impact it has on the lives of those who listen to the stories.

- Amy

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