It's Not All Up To You
I’ve been thinking about smallness lately. I see myself and the world around me differently when I remember that all people are small and valuable, and that God is big—powerful, good and trustworthy. It changes how I create art, how I receive good or bad news, and the manner in which I speak to people whose beliefs and opinions differ from my own.
When I forget that I am small and God is big, I tend to either get puffed up or deflated.
Are you familiar with birds-of-paradise? They’re beautiful, tropical birds whose behavior is sometimes really funny. When the male bird-of-paradise wants to get the female’s attention, he starts dancing around, bobbing his head over and over again, fluffing his feathers, and sticking his wings out like a fan. And if the female doesn’t seem interested, his dance gets more and more ridiculous. It’s all up to him to catch her attention so he makes himself a spectacle.
When I start thinking it’s all up to me, I act pretty silly too. God is the source of all good things. He’s powerful, good and trustworthy. When I remember Him, my soul finds rest. When I remember Him I find there’s always room to be kind to other people, to hear them out, to be hospitable, to forgive, to love, to be courageous.
Remember the story of Mary and Martha? And how Jesus said that Mary had chosen the better thing by listening attentively to Jesus while Martha bustled around? I think in a way that’s the answer to everything. When I put my attention on God, everything else quiets and rearranges in beautiful ways, because His beauty spills out onto everything. I’m forgetful but He isn’t. When I forget Him, He gently draws my attention back. Again and again.
Blessings to you as you remember that God is big and that you are small and valuable.