Looking Intently Upward

Have you ever read Acts 7? I think of it often—about Stephen’s behavior toward those who were mistreating him. It’s an astonishing account. When people were raging against him, Stephen looked intently upward and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. And then when people began throwing stones at him, he cried out, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” So similar to what Jesus said when He was on the cross—“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” ~Luke 23:24

Whatever I’m intently gazing at shows up in how I treat other people and the way I live my life. I love the way Stephen looked intently upward right when those people were raging against him. That must have been his habit or surely he wouldn’t have looked up at such a time. It seems much more natural for him to have looked at the people who were angry with him or to have looked inwardly at himself and how he was feeling. I’ve done both of those things during times of conflict, and at other times too. If Stephen had looked outwardly at the people or inwardly at himself, I wonder how he’d have responded? 

I become more myself when I look at God. I don’t lose myself when I’m lost in Him. That is where I find myself. I don’t lose sight of my friends or enemies by leaning on God’s sight. I gain a window of vision that allows me to see them better. I don’t lose my life by burying it in His embrace. He becomes my life. 

Again and again I find that I’m a better friend and a kinder more forgiving and discerning person when I’m looking intently toward God and His Word. I’m a better mother when I keep my children in my peripheral vision and God in my direct line of sight. Ah! But I don’t always keep Him there! Too often, people (including myself) slide into the center of my vision. It happens before I even notice it. So I’m still working on building that habit of looking intently upward. 

All this reminds me of Matthew 6:33 which says, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.”

Blessings to you as you build a habit of looking intently upward.


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