Small, Brilliant Moments

One of my favorite quotes comes from the very end of Middlemarch by George Elliott. It’s about the great value of small, faithful acts. It says, “for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.” 

How wonderful is that? And how true!

A few nights ago I went for a run (don’t worry—I never run alone at night—my husband and youngest daughter were walking our dogs, Plum and Alice, just a little ways behind me). As I went along, seemingly inconsequential moments from my life came to mind. Moments that mattered to me. I’ll share a few with you.

Christmas time in fourth grade—my classmates and I gathered at our teacher’s house for hot chocolate. We sang Christmas carols as we strolled around her neighborhood. I remember that feeling of being invited to something special. It’s strange that it stands out so clearly, and how often it comes to mind even so many years later. It certainly didn’t occur to me at the time to thank God for my teacher, Mrs. Wilson, and her generous heart but I have thanked Him for her since.

Halloween, that one year when a bully had shoved me down a steep embankment at recess and I’d gotten all scraped up, even on my face. I went to the Fall Festival that night and won the cake walk twice! Or was it three times? And I gave at least one cake away, maybe two, because I didn’t care much about cakes. But winning made me so happy. And also, the bully who’d shoved me? She hadn’t intended to cause me real harm and was so remorseful.  She helped me to the school nurse and apologized again and again and treated me well from that time forever more. 

Such small moments, but they add up if I let myself remember them. And when I thank God for them, I re-live them more deeply. 

Can you think of moments in your life that shine bright? Not just the big, obvious ones, but the little unexpected ones that have made your life a bit brighter than it would have been otherwise?

Blessings to you, friends! I hope every brilliant moment catches your attention!


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